Back in the 1950s, thalidomide was introduced as a sleeping pill and was also well known for relieving symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. Thalidomide was taken off the shelves in 1962 when it was tragically discovered that thalidomide caused birth defects.
However, thalidomide is now back on the scene with a team mate - turmeric (the spice!). It has been discovered that this team can help fight multiple myeloma which is the second most common type of blood cancer.
Thalidomide works by disturbing tumour cells in the bone marrow however the drug disintegrates when in the body. Curcumin, the pigment that gives turmeric it's yellow colour, has also been found to be active against cancer but has poor water solubility. Combining these together to make a hybrid compound has improved water solubility, does not disintegrate in the body and is even more active against myeloma. Win win!